
Saturday 23 July 2016

TWO Spaces Open for May 2017 Genealogy Research Tour

The addition of the Highland Research Tour has opened up space in the May 2017 Tour which will be taking place in Edinburgh. The reason for this is people moving from the Edinburgh Tour to the new Highland Research Tour.

The Edinburgh Tour dates are May 1 - 10, 2017 with May 1 being the day of arrival. This tour is the one that has been taking place for about 5 and a half years. We spend three full days at the ScotlandsPeople Centre, which also houses the National Archives. We spend two full days at the National Library of Scotland, with one of those days being in the Maps building.

The weekend is free for you to go to the area of Scotland where your ancestor lived and if you would like, I can connect you with my colleague, Ian, who will create a tailor made ancestral experience for you. The Monday following the weekend is free for you to conduct research in the area of Scotland where your ancestor lived, to research at the Scottish Genealogy Society, return to either the ScotlandsPeople Centre or National Library. If you would prefer time off to enjoy the country, you can opt to sight-see or shop.

This is the most popular genealogy research tour. It includes pre-tour preparation for several months ahead of time so that you are well prepared for your time in Scotland.

There are two spaces open for the May 2017Edinburgh Tour. If you are interested, simply send me an email. This is the only tour that accommodates spouses, cousins, sisters, friends or any one who is not researching. The Highland tour does not. Non genealogy companions travel for 40% of the tour fees.

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